Walled City lahore Authority

Wazir Khan Mosque

The Wazir Khan Mosque sat astride the historic route that the Mughal nobility would traverse as they entered the city and made way to the royal residence in the Lahore Fort. The Mosque comprises a prayer chamber and a large courtyard. The latter is surrounded on its northern, southern and eastern sides with 28 hujras and two Pavilions facing each other across the width of the courtyard. There are four Minars marking the four corners of the courtyard. An important feature of the entrance system of the Mosque is the Calligraphers bazaar that crosses the axis of entrance at a right angle. The Mosque complex, in the form that it has survived, still has a singular outstanding attribute that places it in the frontline of the major monuments of the world- the exuberant architectural decorations that embellish its exterior and interior surfaces.

Conservation Gallery